Software Manager Version 3.00 System Recovery Procedure ============================================================================= This document provides a recovery procedure to be used if you can not restart your system from the default boot drive after: o Installing New Software o Uninstalling Software o INI File Maintenance o AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS File Maintenance This procedure assumes that a boot diskette was created using the procedure outlined in the Boot Diskette Procedure (BOOTPRO.TXT) located in the main Software Manager Directory. Changes were probably made to system configuration files that make your system unable to start. This procedure guides you through the steps required to restore system configuration files from the archives automatically created by the Software Manager Wizards. System Recovery Procedure #1 ============================ Follow the procedure outlined below if your system would not restart after installing a new software product or uninstalling a software product. [X] Step Action --- ---- -------------------------------------------------------- [ ] 1. Reboot your system using the boot diskette. [ ] 2. Confirm you can access your hard drives. Use the command listed below at the DOS prompt to test each hard drive. DIR ?:\*.* /S /P Replace ? with a hard disk drive letter. *** IMPORTANT *** IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO VIEW THE DIRECTORIES OF EACH HARD DRIVE, SUSPECT A HARDWARE PROBLEM. CONTACT YOUR HARDWARE MANUFACTURER FOR FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS. DO NOT PERFORM THE FOLLOWING STEPS OF THIS PROCEDURE. [ ] 3. Copy COMMAND.COM from your boot diskette to the root directory of your default hard drive. For example, if your default hard drive is C and your boot diskette is in drive A, the DOS command would be: COPY A:\COMMAND.COM C:\COMMAND.COM [ ] 4. Copy the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files from the Software Manager VAULT\SOFTMGR subdirectory to the root directory of your default hard drive. For example, if the main Software Manager directory is C:\SOFTMGR and your default boot drive is C, the DOS commands would be: COPY C:\SOFTMGR\VAULT\CFGSAVE\AUTOEXEC.BAT C:\ COPY C:\SOFTMGR\VAULT\CFGSAVE\AUTOEXEC.BAT C:\ [ ] 5. Copy the Windows initialization files from the Software Manager VAULT\SOFTMGR subdirectory to the Windows main directory. For example, if the main Software Manager directory is C:\SOFTMGR and the main Windows directory is C:\WINDOWS, the DOS commands would be: COPY C:\SOFTMGR\VAULT\CFGSAVE\*.* C:\WINDOWS\*.* DEL C:\WINDOWS\VERFILES.LST DEL C:\WINDOWS\AUTOEXEC.BAT DEL C:\WINDOWS\CONFIG.SYS [ ] 6. Restart your system without using the boot diskette. [ ] 7. Start the Software Manager. Additional recovery steps may be required. If the Software Manager starts normally, no further action is required. Otherwise follow the instructions presented by the Software Manager to complete the recovery procedure. System Recovery Procedure #2 ============================ Follow the procedure outlined below if your system would not restart after changing a Windows INI file or the DOS configuration files (AUTOEXEC.BAT and/or CONFIG.SYS). [X] Step Action --- ---- -------------------------------------------------------- [ ] 1. Reboot your system using the boot diskette. [ ] 2. Confirm you can access your hard drives. Use the command listed below at the DOS prompt to test each hard drive. DIR ?:\*.* /S /P Replace ? with a hard disk drive letter. *** IMPORTANT *** IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO VIEW THE DIRECTORIES OF EACH HARD DRIVE, SUSPECT A HARDWARE PROBLEM. CONTACT YOUR HARDWARE MANUFACTURER FOR FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS. DO NOT PERFORM THE FOLLOWING STEPS OF THIS PROCEDURE. [ ] 3. Copy COMMAND.COM from your boot diskette to the root directory of your default hard drive. For example, if your default hard drive is C and your boot diskette is in drive A, the DOS command would be: COPY A:\COMMAND.COM C:\COMMAND.COM [ ] 4. Create inventory the configuration files modified the last successful system start. If you have also installed or uninstalled software, assume that all configuration files have changed. [X] Configuration File List Archive Location --- ----------------------- ---------------- [ ] AUTOEXEC.BAT VAULT\AUTOEXEC [ ] CONFIG.SYS VAULT\CONFSYS [ ] WIN.INI VAULT\WININI [ ] SYSTEM.INI VAULT\SYSINI [ ] 5. Restore configuration files from archives. For each file on the inventory created in step 4, perform steps A and B below. A.Using DOS commands or the file manager, locate the file the highest numbered name with a date before the last successful system startup. For example, suppose only the CONFIG.SYS file has been modified and the main Software Manager directory is C:\SOFTMGR. Use the file manager or DOS commands to locate all files in the C:\SOFTMGR\VAULT\CONFSYS directory that were with a date before the last system startup. Suppose two files are identified: C000100.SYS and C000101.SYS. In this case the file would be C000101.SYS. B.For the CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT files, copy the archive file determined above to the root drive of the default hard disk. To complete the example, assume the default hard disk is drive C, the DOS command would then be: COPY C:\SOFTMGR\VAULT\CONFSYS\C000100.SYS C:\ [ ] 6. Restart your system without using the boot diskette. *** End of RCVRPRO.TXT ***